Register for the 2024-25 Virginia + DC High School Mock Trial Competition
Registration for the 2024-25 mock trial competition year opens September 15, 2024. Teams may register by registering online below or by mailing a hard-copy registration form.
Teams that register by October 31, 2024, are entitled to a discounted early registration fee of $225 per team. Teams that register between November 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024, must pay the full registration fee of $250. NEW TEAMS are entitled to a $50 discount off the applicable rate.
You can pay online using PayPal, Apple Pay, or a credit card. You may also pay by check as detailed below.
Teams that want to include a courtroom artist and a courtroom journalist in the competition must register their artist or journalist and pay an additional $25 per entrant.
For teams paying by check, make the check payable to the Virginia Law-Related Education Institute. Mail your check to Kristin Walinski, VLRE, 3201 Seminary Avenue, Richmond, VA 23227. Contact info@vlre.org to request an invoice. Please submit this Google Form as your registration if you are mailing a check.
If a team decides to withdraw from the competition, it may request a full refund by email to info@govlre.org until December 31, 2024. After that time, teams that withdraw will forfeit their registration fee.