Virginia and Washington, DC, High School Mock Trial Program
The Virginia Law-Related Education Institute coordinates the mock trial competition, which begins with regional competitions across Virginia and DC in January and February. Teams that win and place highly in their region are invited to compete in the state finals in March. The state champion team then represents Virginia and DC at the National High School Mock Trial Competition.
Mock Trial Team Registration
Registration for the 2024-25 mock trial competition season opens in September 2024. Case materials were released on September 15, 2024.
Teams may register and pay online or by mailing a hard-copy registration form and paying the registration fee with a check. Teams may consist of 6 to 12 students. Only 6 students may compete in a round: 3 as attorneys and 3 as witnesses.
Mock Trial Case Materials
Each registered team will get access to an online case packet that includes everything you need to put on a trial, including court pleadings, witness statements, and exhibits. The Case Materials page will be your source for updates to the case, questions and answers about the case, competition rules, and evidence rules.
Regionals Information
Regionals will take place in late January or early February. We anticipate four regional locations, depending on the number of teams that register.
State Finals Information
The state competition will take place in Richmond at the Henrico County Courthouse on February 21 to 23, 2025. Round 1 will take place on Friday evening, Rounds 2 and 3 will take place on Saturday, and Round 4 and the final will take place on Sunday.
Schedules and details will be sent to registered teams.
Mock Trial Preparation Resources
This section of our website is designed for teams that are new to mock trial. The resources included here will help teachers and coaches prepare their teams for the regional and state mock trial competition.
Frequently Asked Questions
A mock trial is an educational simulation of a real courtroom trial. High school students take on the roles of attorneys, witnesses, and other courtroom personnel, preparing and presenting their cases before a judge and jury. It's a hands-on way to learn about the legal system, develop public speaking skills, and practice critical thinking.
Starting a mock trial team begins with finding a faculty advisor who can guide the team and serve as a liaison with the Virginia Law-Related Education Institute (VLRE). Once you have an advisor, recruit students interested in law, debate, or public speaking.
Mock trial offers numerous benefits, including the development of critical thinking, public speaking, teamwork, and leadership skills. It also provides a deeper understanding of the legal system and helps students build confidence in their ability to analyze complex issues and present arguments effectively.
To register your team, visit the VLRE website and complete the online registration form. Be sure to register early, as spaces may be limited. The registration process typically involves submitting your team roster, advisor information, and a registration fee.
The time commitment can vary depending on your team's goals and schedule. Most teams meet once or twice a week for several months leading up to the competition. In addition to regular practices, students should expect to spend time outside of meetings researching, writing, and rehearsing their roles.
After each round of the competition, judges provide feedback on your team's performance, including strengths and areas for improvement. This feedback is invaluable for helping your team refine its strategies and presentation skills for future competitions.
Teams are expected to dress in professional courtroom attire during the competition. This typically means suits or business dresses for attorneys and professional attire appropriate for the role of witnesses.
Start by contacting local law firms, bar associations, or legal aid organizations in your area. Many attorneys and judges are passionate about mentoring young people and might be willing to volunteer as a coach.
Sometimes, teachers, school staff, or parents may have legal backgrounds or connections to the legal community. Send out a notice or email to your school community to see whether anyone is interested in coaching or knows someone who might be.
We can help connect you with potential coaches. We keep a list of volunteer attorneys or law students who are interested in mentoring mock trial teams.
If you have additional questions, contact us directly at info@govlre.org.
Past Competitions
Recent previous results:
2024 - Henrico High School
2023 - Henrico High School
2022 - Northview Mock Trial Academy
2021 - Henrico High School
2020 - No competition (COVID-19)
2019 - George Mason High School
2018 - Dominion Christian School