Focusing on the rule of law and providing access to justice
Designed to teach high school students in Virginia and Washington, DC, about the importance of access to justice in the American legal system, the Virginia Law-Related Education Institute provides a comprehensive approach to experiencing the law through the eyes of attorneys and witnesses.
The program is supported by volunteers, sponsors, and donors who help further our mission of delivering law-related education.
Virginia High School Mock Trial Competition
For two decades, the Virginia High School Mock Trial program has been the leading law-related education program in Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Each fall, students from across Virginia and the District begin working on a challenging civil or criminal case problem. In the spring, they deliver that program before attorneys and judges in regional competitions. Winning teams go on to compete at the statewide level.
Our state champion represents Virginia and Washington, DC, at the National High School Mock Trial Competition.
“Mock trial has helped my students find their voice. They’ve learned critical thinking skills, public speaking skills, and, perhaps most importantly, confidence.”
— Sara Nelson, Teacher, Henrico High School